Xcel Energy

Commercial Standard Offer Program

Downloads and Tools

Downloads and Tools

Program Manual

Project Sponsor and Customer Agreement

Project Sponsor must submit a signed Project Sponsor and Customer Agreement for each of its customers. This Agreement should be submitted electronically to Xcel Energy upon Final Application submittal. See Section II, Chapter 4, of the Program Manual for more information on the Project Sponsor and Customer Agreement.

Equipment Surveys

The equipment surveys will be used to provide detailed information about the equipment retrofit. Download and complete only those surveys that apply to the project.

All Bills Paid Affidavit

Project Sponsors are required to provide the customer an All Bills Paid Affidavit at the completion of project installation and customer payment. The All Bills Paid Affidavit should be attached to the Host Customer Agreement.

Supplier Information Form

Xcel Energy Service Territory - Counties and Cities

Industrial Customer Identification Notice Form